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Landlord unhappy over Cox’s Hill Road mess

Cox’s Hill Road Trash (Photograph Supplied)

An irate Pembroke landlord has been left to clean up a tenant’s mess after weeks of complaints over dumping on Cox’s Hill Road.

“I am not a happy camper,” property owner Vince Dyer told The Royal Gazette as he loaded a rain-soaked mattress and box springs to take to Tynes Bay.

Area residents had complained to him over the last three weeks after a tenant dumped the furniture by the roadside.

While Mr Dyer and his tenants had reported the dumping to Public Works, the landlord said he had been told he would have to remove them himself.

Mr Dyer said more dumping on the property, including a ruined car and other furniture, would be taken up swiftly with the offending tenant.

Resident Camika Caisey, a 20-year resident of the neighbourhood, contacted this newspaper after a week of calling “everybody” about the eyesore.

“I called police, the Department of Health, and the enforcement officer at Public Works,” she said.

“Myself and other neighbours have been calling since at least the beginning of last week. We’ve never had this happen before.”

Mr Dyer vowed that he would “be dealing with this individual” once the mess was removed.