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Spence’s calling returns her to the airwaves

Return to radio: Gina Spence

Community activist Gina Spence has returned to the radio with a new weekly show.

Ms Spence is hosting Strength for the Journey on HOTT 107.5 on Sunday evenings, which she promises will be educational, inspirational and entertaining.

She said it was a difficult decision to come back to radio, but after prayer she determined it was the right choice.

Ms Spence said: “I really didn’t want to do a radio show. I thought I had a great experience before and it ended on a very positive note.

“I prayed and asked God what is it that He would have me do during this season of my life, and He gave me the title Strength for the Journey.

“As I continued to pray, He gave me the topics and said to provide people with an opportunity to share their stories and to also provide help support and resources to help others who may be going through a difficult time and need some encouragement.”

The show will focus on both community and national stories, tackling difficult issues such as divorce, child abuse, sexuality, education and retirement.

Ms Spence said: “Many of the topics we will be discussing are very sensitive and need to be talked about.

“We don’t talk about them in our houses of faith and their many people in and out of church suffering in silence.

“I believe people are looking for hope and encouragement in these end time and I believe Strength for the Journey will provide the hope that they are looking for.

“If we are able to help one person to change their life around it would be worth it.” She said the first episode will focus on drug addiction and how it affects the community.

Ms Spence added: “We are not holding back in telling you what it really means to be involved with drug addiction.

“We have both female and male testimonies, and you’ll hear about drug addiction as you haven’t hear before.

“Not just that, we are all about prevention and treatment.”

She added: “Strength for the Journey brings truth, hope and help.

“If you are an addicted, you know someone that needs help, or you just want to learn about this topic from real life stories and special guest experts, join us.”

• Strength for the Journey will air every Sunday from 6pm to 7pm