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New York outage hits internet services

International glitch: an outage in New York caused disruption of internet services for some reisdential and corporate customers in Bermuda yesterday

Some internet and mobile services in Bermuda were yesterday hit by an outage at a third party network provider based in New York City.

Residential and corporate customers in Bermuda felt the impact through temporarily lost internet access, or difficulties using mobile devices.

The US outage also hit New York state and parts of Iowa. Among those affected in Bermuda were customers of One Communications.

In a statement, the company said that its technical teams and systems “immediately began redirecting data traffic away from the damaged circuit to maintain connectivity, but reduced data speeds caused by increased latency continued until approximately 2.30pm”.

At that time, the company’s engineers completed the optimisation of rerouted traffic to resolve issues for all customers, according to the company’s statement. It added that it has a diverse and robust traffic management system in place “and so only a subset of customers were impacted by the outage. Fibrewire internet and TV customers were not impacted”.

Brian Lonergan, chief commercial officer, said: “Today’s network outage in NYC is an important example of how important our international communications systems are in Bermuda, and how dependent we are upon them.

“Our teams were very quick to respond to the outage and did a great job managing traffic to keep our customers connected while resolving the issue. We were prepared for this outage, and as a result we were able to minimise its severity.”