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Let’s make the most of Brexit

Act now: Bermuda should not waste this Brexit crisis, a reader says (Photograph by Matt Dunham/AP)

Dear Sir,

Citizens of a small island whose economy is out of proportion to its landmass understand the importance of inclusion and multilateralism.

Unless you are the UK, in which case you forgo collective bargaining to make a passing political point and momentarily revisit those heady years when the Germans — curse their success — were down for the count.

Bermuda has, let’s admit, been making its own way economically for a long time. Now it must do so even more assiduously.

Three things that Bermuda’s government should consider so as not to waste this Brexit crisis:

1, Establish a direct line into the UK’s Disengagement Team. Political confusion aside, the Cabinet office (the one in Whitehall) will be establishing a team to co-ordinate the process of unwinding from the European Union. Bermuda should not wait for other Overseas Territories to get a look-in. Establish Bermuda’s window into that process now

2, Consider what aspects of EU law and regulation Bermuda wants to keep — those bits, for example, harmonise trade with the EU and the United States, such as data transfers — and make sure that there is an instrument in Bermuda law keeping that in place for the long term

3, Consider what aspects of the UK relationship that Bermuda wants to revisit. Leaving aside the question of independence, or not, if Scotland is about to renegotiate the terms of its relationship, Bermuda may want to do the same

Don’t be fooled by the confusion: no one, from the most senior politician to the most junior EU clerk has the first idea what process to follow. But Bermudians know how to deal with shipwrecks: make your own way to shore.