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Call for charity decision to be reversed

LGBTQ advocacy group The Rainbow Alliance of Bermuda has called for an immediate reversal of the decision of the Registrar General and Charity Commissioners to grant status to anti-same-sex union group Preserve Marriage saying they may have acted “unlawfully with this hasty decision”.

RAB condemned the decision saying, “this action follows other failings of the Government to act with the benefit of all Bermudians in mind, including their tabling of the Matrimonial Causes Act Amendment 2016 and the calling of a referendum on a Human Rights issue”.

Preserve Marriage was granted charity status last week having passed “the public benefit test”. Section 3(b) of the Charities Act 2014 requires that a charitable purpose must be for the public benefit.

The commissioners have published guidance under section 13 of the Act.

A spokeswoman from the alliance told The Royal Gazette: “This public benefit test must consider any actual benefits for society arising from the charity (eg: educating people about the benefits of marriage). The guidance indicates that ‘any detriment or harm which is caused by a charity’s purposes’ should be considered (eg: denying people access to the institution of marriage, advocating against the human rights of others, and the stigmatisation of an entire group that arises when they are singled out).

“The Charities Commission must determine whether the harm outweighs the benefit. If it does, then the public benefit test must fail. Based on Preserve Marriage’s public activity thus far, there is no long-term public benefit from their campaigning, which is also political in nature.

“The guidance also describes ‘forbidden purposes’ as those which, ‘explicitly provide for some detriment or harm; are unlawful or contrary to public policy; or are of such a serious nature as to negate the benefit provided, cannot be beneficial, and consequently, are never charitable’. Preserve Marriage defines its campaigning by its opposition to the rights of a protected group under the Human Rights Act 1981. The Rainbow Alliance of Bermuda asks the Charities Commissioners how they could, in good conscience, decide that this was for the public’s benefit?

“The guidance also discusses that an organisation cannot be a charity if it has a political purpose, including: ‘securing or opposing any change in the law, whether in Bermuda or overseas; and securing or opposing a change in the policy or decisions of central government or local authorities or other public bodies, whether in Bermuda or overseas’. Preserve Marriage have operated a political campaign over the past several months through demonstrations, advertising, petitions about law-changes, and bringing in overseas speakers. In Preserve Marriage’s promotional materials, their intended purpose includes: ‘To inform the public about the truth of civil unions; to ensure legislation related to marriage in Bermuda is fortified; and to ensure that a few do not decide for the many.’

“Each of these objectives are clearly political in nature and have been campaigned for over the past few months specifically to oppose the Government’s consideration of same-sex marriage and/or civil unions. The Rainbow Alliance of Bermuda asks the Charities Commissioners how they could, in good conscience, decide that their purpose was not primarily political?”

RAB acknowledged that Preserve Marriage notes on its website that those of all sexualities should be respected but went on to say: “Their activities and objectives do not foster respect for the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) community or a spirit of inclusivity within the broader Bermudian community.

“The Rainbow Alliance of Bermuda would again like to recognise the significant importance of the rights of LGBTQ Bermudians and residents to be respected and protected under the Human Rights Act. At best, Preserve Marriage’s advocacy has promoted hurtful heterosexist and transphobic rhetoric that has created significant mental and emotional anguish for the LGBTQ people of Bermuda.

“The Rainbow Alliance of Bermuda believes that Preserve Marriage would fail both the public benefit and the political purposes test. Their purposes are detrimental and outweigh any possible benefit.

“Further, their past statements and activities show an explicit desire to change our marriage legislation and to undermine Government’s own efforts to bring in civil union legislation.

“We urge the Registrar General and Minister Fahy to reverse the granting of Preserve Marriage’s charitable status.”

Meanwhile, the Human Rights Commission would not comment on the granting of charitable status, saying: “In essence, Preserve Marriage’s application for charitable status according to the requirements laid out in the Charities Act, falls under the remit of the Charities Commission and they should be contacted for any specific queries about the PM application and granting of Charitable Status under the Act.”

The Royal Gazettecontacted the Registrar General, the Charities Commission and Home Affairs Minister Michael Fahy for comment and are awaiting a response.

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