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Maths scheme praised by students

Grateful: Michelle Onyia, 20, is now at university

A maths programme adopted by local schools has received high marks from students who have used it to further their education — and careers.

The initiative, known as the Math Springboard, places students alongside workers in the financial sector.

For Michelle Onyia, 20, who is now studying maths at Mount St Vincent University in Canada, the programme lived up to its name.

“A memorable advantage for me was the chance to do an internship through the Bermuda Education Network (BEN) at Endurance Specialty,” the former Berkeley Institute student said.

The following year, she won a BEN overseas internship, and spent time at Lloyd’s of London experiencing different insurance careers. Ms Onyia credits the programmes with helping her decide to study maths at university.

She won a scholarship from Zurich Insurance and began her maths degree in 2013.

“I am regularly asked why I chose to study math,” she said. “Usually students view the subject as arduous and uninteresting, which it sometimes can be. What fuels my ongoing interest is curiosity. My need to know the hows and whys of math are what keep me absorbed in it.”

Work experience through Math Springboard helped her to make her choice and gave her a feel for what to expect.

“I value the path that studying maths has led me on, not only because I hope it will lead to a successful career, but because following your passion is the best way to live life,” Ms Onyia said.

Asked what advice she had for Bermudians planning to study overseas, Ms Onyia recommended a two-week “taster” at a university. “You get to experience the classroom atmosphere, the pace of lectures and the workload expected.”