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Shipping channel proposals to be assessed

The Norwegian Majesty navigates Town Cut, St George’s. Consultants are to carry out an assessment of proposals to improve cruise ship access to Bermuda.

Upgrades to Bermuda’s shipping channels to allow bigger cruise ships into local waters will get a public airing.

Bermuda Environmental Consulting is to carry out an environmental impact assessment (EIA) of three proposals to improve maritime access and will hold a series of public meetings to canvass public opinion.

A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Public Works said the decision to carry out a full assessment was voluntary and designed to mirror “best practice.”

The options are to dredge and widen the North Channel, which will involve dredging and removal of coral reefs, extensive dredging of the South Channel and realignment of the South Channel, which also involves major dredging.

The spokeswoman added: “Common to all these options is limited dredging work within The Narrows — that portion of the channel off St George’s that allows ships to pass through the Island’s reefs.

“Each of these options brings both benefits and challenges and the purpose of the EIA is to provide the scientific evidence base that is required to help inform the selection of the most appropriate option.”

The spokeswoman said the first stage of the EIA would involve “environmental scoping” to “define the issues and studies that must be done to ensure that adequate information is available to enable effective, evidence-based decisions to be made.

“The EIA will look at both the natural environment and socio-economic impacts. Stakeholder consultation to ensure that adequate consideration is given to the concerns and aspirations of all affected parties is an essential part of the process.”

She added that the consulting firm would meet regulators, shipping operators and clients, including local businesses and environmental groups.

It will also hold town hall-style meetings, open house sessions and have a special website, which can accept written submissions.

The first open house will be held at the Anglican Cathedral Hall on Hamilton’s Church Street from 11am to 3pm on Tuesday, March 18.

Town hall meetings will be held on Tuesday, April 1 at the Cathedral Hall between 6pm and 7.30pm, at Dockyard’s Heritage Wharf Terminal on Thursday, April 3 between the same times.

A third meeting will be held in St George’s in mid-April, although details have still to be confirmed.

The website can be found at channelstudy.info.