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An easy hand, if you think about it

Another really successful Bermuda Sectional concluded at the Bridge Club last Monday under the steady hand of tournament chairman Andy Carne.

Karl Hicks, now recovered from his illness, returned once more to direct, ably supported by Jack Rhind our resident director.

In all 118 tables were played over the four days despite the beautiful weather and it being the weekend of Father’s Day, National Heroes Day and the US Open Golf Tournament.

The bridge and the social events were enjoyed by all and the event has become a fitting closure to the spring tournament season.

Detailed results are included in the results section, but here are the winners of the various events

ALYCE CRAFT OPEN PAIRS (single session)

Flight A Magda Farag — Sheena Rayner

Flight B Louise Rodger — Greta Marshall

Flight C Kathleen Keane — Marsha Fraser

MAIDEN OPEN PAIRS (single session)

Flight A Katrina Van Pelt — Diana Diel

Flight B Paul Thompson — Peter Donnellan

Flight C Danielle Cloutier — Martha Ferguson


Flight A Jean Johnson — Marge Way

Flight B Misha Novakovic — Paul Thompson

Flight C Noula Contibas — Linda Abend


Flight A Pat Riding — Brian Meyer — Katrina Van Pelt — Kerry Hicks

Flight B Russell Craft — Dee Craft — Elysa Burland — Greta Marshall

Flight C Danielle Cloutier — Martha Ferguson — Heather Woolf — Annelies Scheland


Flight A Alan Douglas — Jane Smith

Flight B Peter Donnellan — Paul Thompson

Flight C Ruby Douglas — Keith Smith

KIRK & JUDY KITSON Novice and Newcomer Pairs

Nikki Boyce — Carol Eastham



There were many notable performances in the event and once I start talking about one it will lead to another, so I will resist for fear of missing someone who feels they are deserving.

I must, however, mention the superb performance of Pat Riding and her teammates Katrina, Brian and Kerry.

This event had a great turnout of 12 tables, which is gratifying because the Club had organised several team nights through the year and plans more in the future, and included some good teams.

The win by this foursome is pretty special given Pat’s seniority and the relative inexperience of a couple of the other team members and it will be a victory to remember.

Andy has asked me to thank all the sponsors for their enduring support that makes this event so enjoyable for the players.

This week’s hand is easy, but I guarantee that most declarers would go wrong on it.

West Dealer, Both Vulnerable

(Spades / Hearts / Diamonds / Clubs)

KJ6 / J64 / KQ107 / AKQ

A10954 / 109 / J8 / J432

West opened a weak (12-14) No Trump, North doubled, South bid 2 Spades and when North raised to 3 Spades South happily went to game as he had a lot more than he had promised.

West started with the AKQ of Hearts and declarer, an experienced player, ruffed the third round. Having heard West open a No Trump he immediately finessed the Jack of Spades — this lost to the Queen and the contract went down one.

Unlucky? Not really, downright lazy. Given West’s opening the other hands were an open book.

Declarer could see 25 HCP between his hand and dummy leaving only 15 for the defenders. West had already shown 9 points in Hearts, so he had to have the Diamond Ace to get to at least 12 points but couldn’t then have the spade queen as that would take him to 15.

The full hand:

(Spades / Hearts / Diamonds / Clubs)

North: KJ6 / J64 / KQ107 / AKQ

East: Q8 / 8732 / 942 / 10975

South: A10954 / 109 / J8 / J432

West: 732 / AKQ5 / A653 / 86

Had declarer done the analysis he would have avoided the doomed Spade finesse and would have played a Spade to the King and then a Spade back to his hand intending to finesse, the Queen pops up and 10 tricks were now assured. Easy game when you think about it, or even when you just think.