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Firefighters to help Mayor decorate holiday tree

Premier Michael Dunkley and St David's Primary student Khalil Williams take aim with a fire hose during the launch of Fire Safety Week. (Photo by Mark Tatem)

Firefighters will give the Mayor of Hamilton a boost in his efforts to decorate City Hall’s Christmas tree tomorrow.

Graeme Outerbridge will receive a helping hand to reach the top of the tree by Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service’s ladder vehicle, under the careful eye of Chief Fire Officer Lloyd Burchall.

The decorating will begin at noon, but the Service’s staff and a number of their fleet will be on display outside City Hall between 11am and 2pm.

The public display is to mark the final day of Fire Safety Awareness Week.

The Service will also present prizes to the winners of its poster and essay competition tomorrow afternoon.

Fire Safety Week launched on Monday, when schoolchildren were given a tour of Hamilton Station and met Premier Michael Dunkley.