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What about Palau as a new home for the Uighurs?

April 28, 2013Dear Sir,During a recent Sunday morning talk show broadcast there were concerns being raise about the Uighurs situation again. If I may, Mr Acting Editor, in an attempt to please the populace (who have disagreed with the decision to settle them here) and even further the former Guantánamo detainees with a solution that may if explored be better for everyone at the end of the day.The small South Pacific Island nation of Palau accepted 17 Uighurs about the same time as Bermuda did. If it could be arranged, and they agree to such an arrangement, they can flown to Palau and be reunited with their countrymen and be happy and prosperous and help to grow a Uighur community there instead of being unhappy with the current arrangements here.Of course there will be compensation for such an arrangement but at least this should be an option to explore.BROWNLOW ADDERLEY