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Fuel tax approved by Senators

The Corporation of St George will be better off to the tune of around $430,000 after Senators approved legislation for the municipality to collect a tax on fuel landed at the town’s oil docks.The cash will be used specifically to “maintain, develop and promote the World Heritage site”.Applauding the Corporation of St George’s (UNESCO World Heritage Fund and Levy) Act 2013, Government Senator Nalton Brangman said the east end “has been left for far too long without care and attention”.“We need to something significant because the people of St George’s have had their hopes raised and dashed over the last number of years,” he said.“I support this bill because it makes good sense, and while it means that people are going to have to pay a little more, it will provide incentives and investments. We will now be able to prepare the town for investment.”Government Leader in the Senate Michael Fahy described the windfall as “a significant amount”.Acknowledging that no one likes to introduce new taxes, Sen Fahy put the levy into perspective, claiming that it would cost an additional 11 cents to fill up a car with gas.“We are talking about a very small amount of money that is being passed on to the customer. You have to spend some to get some,” he said.