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On the sunny side

August 17, 2011Dear Sir,Good day Mr Editor and our weather forecasters,Whilst we all appreciate that our Bermuda weather is unpredictable at best, we should accentuate the positive. The weather report often says partly cloudy, when the reality is it is mostly sunny with isolated clouds. I smile on my drive into work when I hear the forecast is for partly to mostly cloudy for the day and I look up to see a beautiful blue sky and I think really? Rarely do we hear the words sunny or mostly sunny. Before booking a holiday, most folks check out the weather forecast in their destination of choice so they know what to expect. We seem to always promote the negative when we should promote the positive. What are the odds of getting a little wet, maybe 20 percent, and it is only water for goodness sake and a shower is a relief when it is in the mid 80s. Goodness knows even when the forecast calls for rain we are lucky if we get a five-minute downpour during the summer months.Let’s promote Bermuda for the mostly sunny blue sky destination it is! We need to remember the adage “make hay while the sun is shining”.BLUE SKY THINKERPagetEditor’s Note: Some readers will recall that the weather forecasters at the former US Naval Base used to refer to the weather as “Partly sunny” and Mostly sunny”. And a reference to the The Royal Gazette’s online Weather Page, with information supplied by the Bermuda Weather Service, showed that the forecast for the next four days starting today is sunny periods, two days of mix of sun and cloud and sunny periods again on Sunday.