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The present that last a year

giving 365 days of the year, and sometimes longer? And how would you like to know that such a gift can be wrapped in a jiffy and mailed at minimal cost? Then look no further than the calendar racks in the stores. The selection is amazing and the photography or artwork simply beautiful.

Once upon a time calendars performed the simple task of recording days and dates, but today's "models'' reflect all that is best in modern technology, and more besides.

Stunning colour photographs and gorgeous paintings are reproduced with crystal clarity, and reflect great imagination in their composition.

A host of peripheral information is included in today's calendars -- everything from public holidays around the world to phases of the moon, ecological statements, poetry and potted histories of composers, artists and wildlife experts.

The choice of calendar subjects can loosely be defined as: animals, people, the arts, sports, marine, ecology, conservation, flora, edibles, countries, birds, architecture, humour and outer space.

And then there's that very, very special place on earth: Bermuda, whose charms have been captured not only in locally-produced calendars and desk diaries, but has turned up, quite amazingly, in at least three international calendars.

It was at Pegasus that we found these international calendars: The Beach, 1993, featuring a classic South Shore scene, Golf 1993, showing a sweeping vista of part of the Southampton Princess Hotel course.

And then there's the piece de resistance : a glorious painting by Joseph Wilhelm of the Queen of Bermuda sailing out of New York harbour.

So realistic that it appears to be a photograph, the September 1993 illustration is guaranteed to drive nostalgia buffs into ecstacy.

Wilhelm, who turned to painting after 30 years as a premier ship modeller, specialises in painting harbour scenes depicting the great merchant vessels of the 1950s. The Queen, as she was affectionately known here, was one of 12 paintings selected for inclusion in The Art of the Sea calendar published for the Mystic Maritime Gallery in Connecticut, USA.

This gallery hosts America's largest and most respected juried exhibition of contemporary marine art in the world, and the paintings for the calendar were selected from this year's exhibition.

Equally nostalgic are the photographs from the Nicholas Lusher collection.

Printed in sepia tones, the 12 scenes depict Bermuda in far gentler times, when traffic, overcrowding and overdevelopment were just words in a dictionary. Available in such local outlets as the National Gallery and the Card Cove, this is a gem to be treasured.

It is the turn of artist Rhona Emmerson to be featured in 12 separate calendar sheets suitable for display in a plastic frame (sold separately). The gentle water colour paintings of some of Bermuda's unique features will provide a year's worth of happy memories, especially for anyone living abroad.

For those with specialised interests, there is much to please. The men on your list will doubtless welcome Sports Illustrated 's classic Swimsuit outsize wall calendar, and desk diary. The first gives 12 opportunities to drool over the sexy lovelies, the other 52! For women, the Men calendar at the Card Cove doesn't pack the same punch.

Tepid photographs of supposed hunks are unconvincing and pale by comparison.

Perhaps the humourous Men are Like Accessories with artwork by Debbi Tomassi at the same store is better.

Animal lovers will fall heavily for the endearing portrait photographs of cats -- jungle and domestic -- dogs, horses and wild animals. Cat lovers in particular will find the 1993 choices irresistible. They are part of a splendid selection at Pegasus and the Card Cove.

Whales, dolphins, coral reefs, and sea shells make spectacular subject calendars, while the Threatened and Endangered Species calendar at the Annex covers the Northern spotted owl, leopard, sea otter and grey wolf among others.

The ecologically and environmentally concerned can help those causes by buying the sumptuously coloured Tropical Rainforests at Pegasus, or the Audubon Society's beautifully boxed Endangered Planet at the Annex.

Also in the Audubon series of calendars at the Annex are Wild Bird, Wild Animals and Nature with gorgeous photographs.

The Naturalist's Calendar incorporates 13 full-colour paintings by Robert Bateman and 12 colour sketches, as well as guidelines on what to observe during the changing seasons. This, too, is available at the Annex.

Wildflowers and Flowers, available at Pegasus, contain breathtaking photographs in full colour.

Devotees of Helen Steiner Rice will again have a year to enjoy her inspirational writings and the photographic scenes which compliment them.

Available at the Card Cove.

Art lovers are well catered for, with Monet topping the Impressionists' poll.

The National Gallery stocks wall calendars and nifty slimline pocket calendars published by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Pegasus also has a fine collection featuring famous artists.

Dance is celebrated at Pegasus and the Card Cove in a variety of ballet and modern dance calendars. Some feature paintings by Degas while others are strictly photographic.

For the children in your life, Family Times, featuring drawings of animals in family settings, is a charmer. You'll find it at the Card Cove, while Pegasus stocks Children's Hour and The Art of Gwen Connelly, which enhances fairy tales.

If it's the calendar with the longest title you're after, then The Fat free, Cholesterol free, Sugar free, Sodium free, Pesticide free, 100% recycled paper, Politically correct 1993 Date Book (Lite), from the Card Cove is your answer! NANCY ACTON MEJECTIC -- The Queen of Bermuda by Jospeh Wilhelm, as featured in The Art of the Sea Calender.