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College honours Fellows

Earlier inductees at the dinner seen above, from the right were Merle Swan Williams (1990); Marva V.S. Phillips (2005), Dr George Cook (2008) and his wife Jo. Third from left is Cabinet Minister Hon. Kim Wilson.

The Company of Honourary Fellows of the Bermuda College swelled by the induction of two more prominent Bermudians into its ranks over the week end. Honoured were Dr. David Wingate, OBE, and retired school Principal Dean Furbert, pictured above.The gala induction ceremony and black-tie dinner at the Coco Reef Resort, was presided over by Lt. Col. Michael Darling, OBE, chairman of the Company of Honorary Fellows, assisted by College President, Dr Duranda Greene and former Senator Walton Brown, College Board chairman.The Company was established in 1980.