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Fresh is Best:?Parsley

Having a BBQ? Who will be manning the grill and who will be breathing in the charcoal fumes? Just like cigarette smoke they contain benzopyrenes, a carcinogen. While that’s not appetising, eating your garnish can help neutralise the carcinogenic effect. Studies show that parsley both the curly leaf and the flat Italian varieties contain oils that knock out the cancer-causing aspect of benozopyrenes.ParsleyScientific name: Petroselinum crispumFamily of: UmbelliferaeRelated to: Celery, parsnip, and carrotGrown: In BermudaVitamin content: An excellent source of vitamins A, C and K, and a good source of folate (B9)Mineral content: A good source of ironDietary fibre: A good source of fibre with about four grams in one cup of the raw herbOmega 3 fatty acids: There are about 4.8 milligrams of omega 3s in one cup raw parsleyOmega 6 fatty acids: Parsley is a good source of these fatty acids. There are about 69 milligrams in cup of raw parsleyProtein: Parsley does contain some protein. There is 1.8 grams in one cupGood for: Parsley contains two types of unusual components that have health benefits. They are volatile oils, and flavonoids.In animal studies, the volatile oils inhibit tumour growth, especially tumours in the lungs. Its volatile oil, myristicin, also activates an enzyme that helps prevent the formation of some free radicals. Free radicals contribute to a host of diseases including atherosclerosis, colon cancer, diabetes and asthma.Parsley’s volatile oils also neutralise some cancer-causing agents found in cigarette and charcoal grill smoke.Having a high content of vitamins A and C, parsley can play a role in strengthening the body’s immune system.Vitamin C is the main water-soluble antioxidant in our bodies. It attacks cell-damaging, free radicals in the water-soluble areas of the body. Vitamin C is also a powerful anti-inflammatory, strengthening the body against osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It also has been proven effective in preventing ear infections and colds.Parsley contains beta-carotene, which works in the fat-soluble areas of the body. Diets high in this anti-oxidant are associated with reduced risk of atherosclerosis, diabetes and colon cancer. Beta-carotene has also been shown to slow the progression of these conditions. The body converts it to vitamin A a nutrient that strengthens the immune system.Parsley can play a role in protecting against heart disease. It is a good source of vitamin B9 folic acid. An important role of folic acid in the body is converting homocysteine (a protein that can damage blood cells) to a molecule that does not damage the body. High levels of homocysteine in the blood are associated with a high risk for heart attack and stroke in people with atherosclerosis or diabetic heart disease.Folic acid is also vital for proper cell division to take place in the body.For this reason, it is important for cancer prevention especially in two areas that contain rapidly dividing cells ie the colon, and in women, the cervix.