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. . . and what a Mayan abdominal massage did for me

Laura DeCouto gives a Mayan massage treatment.

Laura DeCouto’s motivation to train in Mayan Abdominal Massage Treatment was to help local women overcome problems with infertility. Although this is a non-issue for me I did suggest that she give me a treatment so that I could write a first hand account.It’s a good thing I did that because I may never have been really drawn to the technique otherwise and it did have at least I believe it did a dramatic effect. Before a first session you have to complete a lengthy intake form (six pages), which in addition to getting your personal contact information and medical history, elicits responses to questions like: How do you rank yourself in terms of faith, hope, fear, … and other abstract notions?Ms DeCouto goes through your completed forms and has a lengthy discourse where she seeks to find out not only your physical state but also your mental and emotional states. That process lasted more than an hour in my case in most sessions it tends to be an hour or less.In our discussion I explained that having researched the topic I thought possibly my uterus was pressing on my bladder, especially when I lie down. This was my new theory on why I suffered with the frequent urge to urinate, but only when I lie down.It’s not usual for me to have to relieve my bladder ten times in a night and I explained that it can be annoying and quite tiring.She said it was possible that my uterus was pressing on my bladder, but she didn’t look at all convinced.After our conversation she conducted the massage on my abdomen. Bra, shirt and shorts removed and face up, I covered with the linen provided. Being prone and because 20 minutes before I had had a smoothie, I was concerned that pressure on my abdomen would result in a watery accident. Luckily this did not happen.Having someone massage my stomach so deeply was a new experience (and I am a certified massage therapist myself). It didn’t make me feel relaxed but it wasn’t painful either.Following the hour-long treatment Ms DeCouto gave me a castor oil pack. Here she placed a pack soaked in castor oil, on my belly. Then she covered it with a heat pad.This felt very relaxing at first. She explained that the castor oil is absorbed readily by the skin and benefits the underlying organs directly ie/ the uterus and the bladder. According to Ms DeCouto castor oil used in this way can shrink uterine cysts and fibroid tumours.After about five minutes, the heat pad had made me hot so I took it off. After 20 minutes, Ms DeCouto returned to the room and removed the pack. I was surprised that my stomach was not greasy at all. It really was easily absorbed.Next she spent time taking me through the steps of the self care which she explained should be done daily. Unfortunately I cannot share this technique. It does require one-on-one instruction. If not done correctly it is possible you could injure yourself. Furthermore it’s a condition of getting the massage and training, that you not share it in this way.I had a glass of water and left feeling fine. That night I emptied my bladder several times as usual.The next day I suffered a headache so excruciating I could not work and my stomach felt uneasy. I did not connect it to the massage until a day later when my stomach muscles began to cramp. I still felt a bit sick in the stomach but my head had stopped pounding. Then came the amazing part. I only got up once to use the bathroom and it was about 6am. The next night was the same so I started to do the self care. It’s been a week since I’ve had the massage and the night-time bathroom visits average one, a few times there’s been none. Yipeee, well better stick with it.