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Cake and a fashion show at author Cha’Von’s book signing

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Author Cha’Von Clarke is planning more than the usual click-and-sign session for her upcoming book signing.Her fans will have the opportunity to buy her latest books, ‘When Lightning Strikes’ and ‘Stolen Whispers’, hear a poetry reading, watch a fashion show and have a piece of birthday cake.“It will be really exciting because the book signing is being held the day before my birthday,” said Ms Clarke. “I understand that it is the first time Brown and Company has ever done a book signing with local entertainment performing.”‘When Lightning Strikes’ is the last in her Bermy Chick trilogy. ‘Stolen Whispers’ is a book of poetry, and is dedicated to the Chewstick Foundation. Chewstick organises regular open mike nights, writing retreats and writing workshops.“I started off with Chewstick doing spoken word poetry,” she said. “I have always written poetry as a child, but spoken word was through Chewstick. My son, Kaiias, 13, is now in the Twig (youth programme) at Chewstick. I’m not as involved now, because I don’t have the time. I will be holding a few writing workshops at Chewstick in the coming months. I am very appreciative of their open mike style of performance. It is very inviting to the community. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to dedicate this book to them.”The main character of ‘When Lightning Strikes’ is Miecah, an extremely successful human resource professional, who appears to have it all together. Unfortunately, underneath her successful exterior, she carries memories of abuse and sadness. As with most of Ms Clarke’s writing, the book speaks to current social issues in Bermuda. The focus of ‘When Lightning Strikes’ is mental illness, abuse, bullying and gang behaviour.“Many times the focus is on the males but what about females who date the gang members?” Ms Clarke said. “Miecah represents women who have made poor decisions and are forced to live with their choices.”‘Stolen Whispers’ is a poetic journey into the life of a woman who loved, hurt and loved again. Both books are being published by Ms Clarke’s new publishing company, CKC Books.The book signing takes place Sunday from 2 to 5pm at Brown and Company on Reid Street. For more information visit www.ckccorporation.com.