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A simple technique to keeping cool when exercising

If sweating and/or overheating stops you from exercising there’s a simple technique you can use to address that.New research shows that by keeping your hands cool you’ll sweat less and be able to exercise longer.Overheating is one of the primary reasons many obese people say they don’t go to the gym or work out, or that they soon give up once they’ve embarked on a fitness program.A study in the American Heart Association journal Circulation, looked at obese women.It saw all the obese women whose hands were cooled during exercise stick with their fitness programme and actually lose weight, while the obese women whose hands were not cooled did not lose weight.In fact they often skipped workouts or dropped out of the programme entirely.How will you keep your hands cool? Attach a cool gel pack to your wrists or hold onto an ice cold bottled drink.This Saturday’s End-to-End walk is the perfect time to test this for yourself.Do it and share your experience with us. E-mail gazettehealth@yahoo.com.