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Garudasana to release neck and shoulder pain

Photo by Henry ThomasGarudasana: The arms posture in the yogic eagle pose, is a great way to help relieve neck and shoulder strain caused by using not only ipads and other tablet devices, but also mobile phones, mobile game devices and netbooks.

I know all too well the pain and discomfort that can come from using an iPad.Muscles in my neck and shoulders have knots so tight that even my message therapists are surprised, but I’ve found some simple ways to help counter the problem myself.Yoga has been a great help and in particular the upper body portion of Garudasana, or eagle pose.Yoga teacher Frances Marshall of The Yoga Centre and chiropractor Bari Fenster agree that this pose is a good way to release neck, shoulder and upper back tension.I do it every day and after speaking with Ms Marshall for this article will increase the time I hold the pose. According to Ms Marshall the longer this pose is held, the more deeply it can work on the muscle.“When you do this, or any yogic pose, it is important to work with whatever arises as opposed to having a preconceived notion of the outcome,” she said. “When you feel resistance, allow it and breathe through it.”She said while doing the pose your breathing may become heavier, or your muscles might tense up, but remaining calm and breathing through it will enable you to be able to hold the pose for a longer time.And the longer you are able to hold the pose, the better.“The long hold allows the effect to go deeper and deeper into the muscle, like a deep tissue massage,” she said. “It’s a self-message.”Garudasana arms, step-by-step1) Stand with your feet together or hip-width apart. The energy of downward yielding — relaxing your body weight into the Earth — will enable your spine and upper body to extend, creating both stability and release.Let your eyes rest on a point in front of you. This will help you maintain your balance and keep your attention focused in the present.2) Bring your left arm out in front of you and bend the elbow so the upper arm is parallel to the floor and the fingers point skyward.3) Bring your right elbow under the left and wrap the right arm around the left arm.4) Bring the palms together or touch the back of the hands together.5) Raise your elbows, ideally to shoulder height.6) Soften your gaze and allow your attention to rest on the breath. Breathe into your upper back and arms.7) Gradually open your awareness to the physical sensations and feelings arising from the pose. Working with what arises is the quickest path in yoga.Hold, for one to three minutes.Unwind the arms and come back to a standing rest position. Repeat on the other side, bringing your left elbow under your right elbow.If you want to know how to do the full Garudasana or would like more information on yoga poses contact The Yoga Centre or visit them on Facebook, The Yoga Community.Visit www.royalgazette.come to watch Ms Marshall demonstrate an easy neck and shoulder warm-up you can do every day.