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Easy transfer

with complete credit to the University of Tampa is only one of its attractions, according to admissions officer, Gerry Parssinen. Located in Tampa, Florida, the university's appeal to Bermudians is strengthened by its similarity to Island-living. "We're a small, private university with about 1,800 full-time students,'' explained Mr. Parssinen. "And one of the things that makes us attractive is that 15 percent of our students come from outside the United States and of those, half are from the Caribbean. I realise that Bermuda is not in the Caribbean but we do have a small, but increasing number of Bermudians on campus -- five or six. We're unusual in that we have an articulation agreement with the Bermuda college where students can start at the College and complete their Associate's degree and then transfer with full credit for all the courses they have taken. We have a couple of students who have done that and hope to have many more. " I think Island students are comfortable studying with us. I know a lot of Bermudian students go to Canada and the Maritimes and, I'm not knocking those schools, but for people from the Caribbean Islands and Bermuda, life in Tampa is very similar. The classes are small, there's an intimate teaching environment -- our professors are interested in their students' education -- and the climate is wonderful, so it feels not entirely unlike their own homes.'' The University of Tampa offers over 50 programmes in its college of Business and its college of Arts and Science,'' he said. "In addition to our excellent academic programme, they receive hands-on training so they have that head start when they graduate. We also offer a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in visual arts. Our students, even our international ones, may also apply for any of our scholarships which range from $250 to $10,000 based on academic achievement, artistic ability, need -- everything is taken into consideration.'' COLLEGE--UNIVERSITY FAIR MINI SUPPLEMENT SUP