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Christian Science Society to hold thanksgiving service tonight

A thanksgiving service will be hosted by the Christian Science Society of Bermuda this evening.

The annual event will run from 6pm and can be attended in-person or on Zoom.

A spokeswoman said: “Even though thanksgiving is a US holiday, we are all keenly aware of the importance of giving thanks for the smallest of blessings, particularly today, when we all need to feel God’s goodness.

“The service is our expression of gratitude in support of our community.

“We have been able to demonstrate supply, caring for others, and healing through our confidence in God’s great love.

“For this we are infinitely grateful, and we believe that today, more than ever before, we must share this sense of God’s love with our community for healing and for a greater sense of love to be felt in our community.”

She said that the service has run for 61 years and it “brings great joy” to members when they share a Bible lesson on gratitude and hear from others about what they are thankful for.

The spokeswoman added: “This is the first time that the service will be broadcast via Zoom, and the members are eager to share the service with those attendees outside of Bermuda.”

Anyone attending in person at the society’s reading room at 6 Dundonald Street will be expected to follow public health guidelines.

Spaces must be booked in advance by calling 332-6030 by midday today or by e-mailing christian.science.bda@gmail.com.

To attend by Zoom, the meeting ID is 834 5056 0596 with the passcode: 476657.

The spokeswoman added: “The Christian Science church quietly prays for our community and supports its members and anyone who is in need of healing prayer.

“It is often confused with Scientology, and it is important to note that there is no correlation at all.

“Christian Science was founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1869, and is the ‘science of Christianity’, teaching us how to live as Christ Jesus lived in the most practical way possible."

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Published November 25, 2021 at 10:29 am (Updated November 25, 2021 at 10:29 am)

Christian Science Society to hold thanksgiving service tonight

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