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Chicago college offers beefed-up last courses

courses than usual so students can cram as many credits as possible into the two remaining school terms before final closure of the US Naval Air Station.

The military education programme, open to Bermudians, leaves with the US Navy in September.

CCC courses provide college credits (three per course) for Bermudian students that are transferable to US colleges without the extra paperwork needed for evaluation of foreign credits.

In April, four business courses and seven general education subjects will be offered. Classes are scheduled Monday through Friday from 6 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.

plus sessions on Saturdays and Sundays and are taught by US lecturers.

Introduction to Business, Business law, Introductory Cost Accounting, and Advertising make up the business selection.

Other courses include Cultural Anthropology, Biology, Report Writing, History of the American People to 1865, Intermediate Algebra, Physical Science II, Fundamentals of Speech Communication.

Registration is Tuesday through Friday March 7-10, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Education Centre on the US NAS.

Classes start Monday, March 13 and end April 29.