An almost complete purpose-built facility will help enrich the lives of people with visual impairment, according to a visiting Lions Club top official.
Paula Um...
An almost complete purpose-built facility will help enrich t...
Vision Bermuda has launched a fundraising drive to prepare the charity to ready its renovated headquarters to reopen.
The charity, formerly known as the Bermuda...
Vision Bermuda has launched a fundraising drive to prepare t...
A non-profit organisation is facing an increased demand for financial help from people who cannot afford important eye care services.
The Lions Clubs of Bermuda...
A non-profit organisation is facing an increased demand for ...
The public was yesterday asked to mark World Braille Day by “bridging the gap” between themselves and people with sight problems.
Tinée Furbert, the Minister of...
The public was yesterday asked to mark World Braille Day by ...
At 22 Bruce Swan found out he had diabetes and, instead of dealing with the diagnosis, set it aside.
He was in law school at the time and focused on his studies...
At 22 Bruce Swan found out he had diabetes and, instead of d...
A milestone for a charity for the visually impaired was celebrated with a roof-wetting ceremony at its new headquarters.
Marc Morabito, the secretary of Vision ...
A milestone for a charity for the visually impaired was cele...
A charity for the blind yesterday hit out after vandals damaged more than 20 pedestrian-controlled crossings in Hamilton – an action the city engineer warned ha...
A charity for the blind yesterday hit out after vandals dama...
The coronavirus pandemic left Vision Bermuda with no choice but to close the doors to Beacon House last March.
In addition to all the other challenges brought ...
The coronavirus pandemic left Vision Bermuda with no choice ...
Dear Sir,
Yesterday was recognised as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
I am legally blind with very limited vision. I have not always been bl...
Dear Sir,
Yesterday was recognised as the International Day ...
Blind people have struggled to adapt to Covid-19 health and safety conditions, a charity said yesterday.
Vince Godber, of Vision Bermuda, said people with sigh...
Blind people have struggled to adapt to Covid-19 health and ...
A milestone will be marked on October 1 when voters with sight problems get their first chance to cast their ballots on their own in a General Election, a chari...
A milestone will be marked on October 1 when voters with sig...
A charity dedicated to support for the blind is concerned its clients will be left behind as cash is poured into the fight against Covid-19.
Vince Godber, a vis...
A charity dedicated to support for the blind is concerned it...
The wife of the late eye surgeon Leonard Teye-Botchway helped launch a fundraising campaign for a charity that helps the blind.
Ronita Teye-Botchway purchased t...
The wife of the late eye surgeon Leonard Teye-Botchway helpe...
The Bermuda Society for the Blind has changed its name to Vision Bermuda to make more clear its mission to help everyone with sight problems.
David Petty, the c...
The Bermuda Society for the Blind has changed its name to Vi...
A campaigner for people with disabilities said she wanted a school for the blind opened in Bermuda.
Sherrie-Lynn Lilley, the director of Inspire Bermuda, a char...
A campaigner for people with disabilities said she wanted a ...
People with sight problems can now learn keyboard skills and how to navigate the internet after an island firm donated six computers to the Bermuda Society for ...
People with sight problems can now learn keyboard skills and...
A schoolmate’s good deed inspired a ten-year-old girl to help a charity.
Alaysia Glasford, a primary 6 pupil at Paget Primary School, handed $340 collected inst...
A schoolmate’s good deed inspired a ten-year-old girl to hel...
Dear Sir,
On behalf of the Bermuda Society for the Blind, we would like to thank the general public who kindly donated, our members, our Tag Day Committee, memb...
Dear Sir,
On behalf of the Bermuda Society for the Blind, we...
A stroll through Hamilton can be an enjoyable experience — but not when you can barely see across the road.
It’s an experience I “enjoyed” yesterday before toda...
A stroll through Hamilton can be an enjoyable experience — b...
Technology has helped people with sight problems overcome their disability, the Bermuda Society for the Blind said yesterday.
Vince Godber, a vision rehabilitat...
Technology has helped people with sight problems overcome th...
Imagine seeing life through a greasy camera lens — colours are dimmer; contrasts less easy to discern.
Everything becomes harder: crossing the road safely, rea...
Imagine seeing life through a greasy camera lens — colours a...
At 19, Abuwi Rasool lost his sight.
He was working in the government quarry when dynamite he’d laid a month before exploded in front of him.
Most of his clothin...
At 19, Abuwi Rasool lost his sight.
He was working in the go...
The Bermuda Society for the Blind has called for people to protect their eyes as World Sight Day approaches.
International World Sight Day will take place on Th...
The Bermuda Society for the Blind has called for people to p...
Services for the island’s visually impaired population have come a long way since the founding of an organisation benefiting the blind, according to one man the...
Services for the island’s visually impaired population have ...
Dear Sir,
The Bermuda Society for the Blind thanks you for your kind donation of $453.00, which were the proceeds held from your Denim days in the month of Apri...
Dear Sir,
The Bermuda Society for the Blind thanks you for y...
The Bermuda Optical Company is celebrating 60 years of business by donating $6,000 to local charities.
Managing director Timothy Kempe and vice-president Nichol...
The Bermuda Optical Company is celebrating 60 years of busin...
A charity representing the blind and partially-sighted in Bermuda is to hold a range of events this month to highlight the issues facing people affected by loss...
A charity representing the blind and partially-sighted in Be...