Dear Heather,
I want to sell my home. I interviewed one agent but they did not suggest a price that I was happy with. I really need to get more than she recommended. I am thinking of interviewing anot...
Dear Heather,
We put in an offer for a property we love only to discover that it has a boundary problem. We are so disappointed, why were we not told of this before?
Dear Buyer,
As an experienc...
Dear Heather,
We are first time homebuyers and everything we like seems to be priced higher than we can afford. How can we identify the must haves, from the want to haves?
First-time buyers
Dear firs...
Dear Heather,
I am thinking of putting my home on the market but the days are getting shorter and Christmas is just around the corner ... is this really a good time? If so, how can I make it show at...
Dear Heather,
I am putting my house on the market but I can only afford to paint it. Can you give suggestions on what to paint and how?
Dear Seller,
There are three very important things to do...
Dear Heather,
My husband is several years older than I am and he keeps falling. I’m so worried about him as our house has lots of steps and rugs and things that could cause him to lose his balance.
If you believe everything you see on TV, selling and buying homes is always a happy, joyful experience. In real life however it can be extremely stressful in some instances.
According to market resear...
Dear Heather,
I have put in an offer on a house, subject to a structural survey. The survey has come back and there are more things wrong than I thought. Now what happens?
Potential Buyer
Dear Potent...
Dear Heather,
A friend of mine had a small fire at her house recently. I was wondering what fire-prevention methods I should be taking in my own home?
— Fire Prevention
Dear Fire Prevention,
Did yo...
Dear Heather,
I have just bought a house which needs upgrading. All the floors are concrete and covered with horrible carpet and tile. What do you suggest I replace them with?
Just Bought a House