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Woman’s $2,200 traffic fines cancelled

A woman was shown leniency by a senior magistrate yesterday after he cancelled more than $2,000 in fines.

Senior magistrate Juan Wolffe let Danyell Webbe, 40, off the hook for $2,200 in traffic fines after he was told of “private matters” that were not disclosed in court.

Mr Wolffe said: “I need you to sort yourself out and focus on things other than these fines.

“I’m still going to serve you demerit points for these offences, but you will not be given any fines today.”

Webbe, from Warwick, pleaded guilty to disobeying a traffic sign, riding without a licence and riding an unlicensed and uninsured bike.

The court heard that Webbe’s bike had been stolen in 2017 after being out of use for years since her insurance and licensing expired.

Webbe said that the stolen bike was retrieved and impounded the following year, but she was unable to have the bike transported to her house.

She added that she “took a chance” and rode the bike herself, but was later caught by police and charged with the offences.

Mr Wolffe earlier gave Webbe 11 demerit points on her licence and ordered her to pay the $2,200 in fines by January 14.

But he withdrew the fines after a member of court security approached the bench to relay personal information from Webbe.

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