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Man admits intrusion on girl

A man was remanded pending a social inquiry report after he admitted making sexual advances on a child.

Daquan Burgess, 23, pleaded guilty in Magistrates’ Court yesterday to intruding on the privacy of a girl.

The court heard that the victim, aged 14 at the time and who cannot be named for legal reasons, was at a Hamilton Parish bus stop on her way home from a friend’s house on October 28, 2019.

Burgess, who was 22 at the time, arrived and attempted to make conversation with her, but later started to make inappropriate comments that made the girl uncomfortable.

She warned him about how the comments made her feel and told him that she was 14.

Burgess then dropped his bus ticket on the floor and used it to stroke her leg after he retrieved it.

He then offered to take the girl to St George’s, but her bus arrived and she boarded. The bus driver denied Burgess entry onto the bus.

The girl told her mother about the incident and she reported it to the police.

Burgess was arrested in December that year. He admitted during a police interview that he talked with the girl but denied touching her.

He was later charged with intrusion on a girl.

The court heard yesterday that Burgess, from Warwick, suffered from mental health problems and had frequented the Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute.

Crown prosecutor Nicole Smith asked for a social inquiry report and requested that he be remanded in police custody until then.

But Elizabeth Christopher, for the defence, asked that her client be given bail because he had been remanded for about a month prior to his plea and she did not want him in jail for the additional six weeks it would take to complete the report.

Senior magistrate Juan Wolffe adjourned the case until this morning for further direction and remanded Burgess in custody.

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