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Fine for having a knife in a public place

Magistrates’ Court (File photograph)

A Smith’s man was fined $1,500 in Magistrates’ Court after he admitted having a knife in a public place.

The court heard that police arrested Q’shai Darrell, 20, on College Road in Paget just before 8pm on Tuesday in connection with an outstanding warrant for a traffic offence.

When the officers searched him, they discovered a grey folding knife in his left jacket pocket.

Darrell told officers he had the knife for fishing, but the officers said that he was wearing medical scrubs and had mentioned he had been carrying out Covid-19 tests.

Officers later confirmed the knife had a cutting edge of 3.25in — just over the legal limit of 3in.

Patricia Harvey, the duty counsel, said Darrell had no previous convictions and was very remorseful for his actions.

She added: “He thought he was within the limits to have that knife, but obviously he had just gone over the legally allowed line.”

Javon Rogers, for the Crown, told the court that the offence could be dealt with by way of a fine.

Mr Attridge fined Darrell $1,500 for the offence.

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