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Woman receives road ban for drinking and driving

A woman seen driving with a damaged front wheel was banned from the roads after she admitted drinking and driving.

Carol Langan, 64, pleaded guilty to a charge of driving while over the legal blood-alcohol limit in an incident in Smiths on March 23 this year.

Magistrates’ Court heard that at about 10pm that day officers were carrying out speed checks when they received a report of a suspected impaired driver near Verdmont Valley.

The officers drove to the area and saw a white car travelling towards them on Verdmont Valley Drive making a dragging noise.

They stopped the vehicle and noticed that the car’s front nearside wheel appeared to be damaged and was not turning.

The officers spoke to the driver, who they identified as Langan, and noticed that she appeared to be confused and smelled of alcohol.

Asked if she had been drinking, she told the officers that she had two glasses of wine.

She later agreed to provide breath samples, and the lower of two readings showed she had 151mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood, almost double the legal limit of 80mg.

The court heard that Langan had no previous convictions of any sort and the incident was described by counsel as completely out of character.

Magistrate Maria Sofianos fined Langan $1,500 for the offence and disqualified her from driving all vehicles for 18 months.

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