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Witness recalls aftermath of fatal stabbing

A witness told the Supreme Court that he did not see the altercation which allegedly lead to the 2022 death of Marcus Wilson.

John Cox, Mr Wilson’s uncle, told the court that he was working on his roof on Astwood Walk in Warwick on the evening of his nephew’s death.

“A car came in. These guys got out,” he said. “They were shaking hands, laughing and carrying on, so I thought ‘cool. Everything is OK’. I went back to work, so I didn’t see anything other than that.”

He said he came to see the aftermath of the incident after Mr Wilson called out to him.

“I don’t remember anything else other than he called me and he needed me,” the witness said.

“I went down there and he was in a pool of blood and those guys were leaving the yard.”

Isaiah Smith, Omari Williams and Jaja DeSilva have denied allegations that they murdered Mr Wilson on August 20, 2022, in Warwick.

Mr Smith and Mr Williams have also denied charges that they unlawfully had a knife with a blade longer than three inches in a public place on the same date.

The jury previously heard evidence from another witness, Joshua White, who said that he had driven to Mr Wilson’s home that evening with the defendants and that an altercation broke out.

He added that while Mr DeSilva returned to the car bleeding from his face, he was completely unaware that anyone was seriously injured in the incident.

Mr White said he had not seen the entirety of the scuffle, but he did not see any of the defendants with a knife or any other kind of weapon.

The trial, before Puisne Judge Juan Wolffe, is expected to continue later this week.

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