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200 teachers complete anti-gang training

More than 200 educators have been trained to spot gang-related antisocial activity in schools, according to Government.National Security Minister Wayne Perinchief said the latest session, hosted by the Berkeley Institute on Monday, addressed a need for “focused action solutions”.He added: “Our goal is to ensure that we provide gang-specific training for all practitioners.“These problems do not happen overnight, and so we renewed our efforts on all fronts with a commitment to reversing the destructive lifestyle that is the gang culture.”The presentation was given by Assistant Commissioner of Police David Mirfield and Kimberly Jackson, programme coordinator for Mirrors.They shared tips aimed at helping educators and other key personnel identify students involved in antisocial behaviour or gang activity.School staff were given information on how to stamp out gang activity in their schools, and the resources that could be called upon in their communitiesThe workshops, which have been ongoing over about six months, are also preventive, aimed at assisting students who could be on the verge of gang involvement.Educators have been trained across primary, middle and high schools. Mr Perinchief said they stood on the front line.“The training continues a planned effort by the Ministry to sharpen our strategic focus and meet the issues in the community head-on,” he said.