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Police: three schools burgled

Three primary schools were burgled over the course of Wednesday night, according to police.

A police spokesman said it was unclear “what, if anything, was taken from the three schools”.

Victor Scott Primary School, Paget Primary School and West Pembroke Primary School appear to have been struck at some point between that night and early Thursday morning.

A spokesman for the Department of Education said they were “disappointed” to learn that three schools had been targeted.

“All members of our community must rally together to ensure that schools always remain safe places for our staff and students and off limits to any criminal activity. We are thankful that no students or staff were harmed. We ask the community members who have any pertinent information to come forward and to assist the police with their investigation.”

Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the Criminal Investigation Department on 247-1744.

In addition, any member of the public who sees any suspicious activity around any of the island’s schools is asked to report it immediately to the main police telephone number, 295-0011.