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MPs pay tribute to Keith Gordon

Keith Gordon (File photograph)

Condolences were paid by MPs to the family and friends of a man who was found dead last weekend.

Keith Gordon was described as “good spirited” and knowledgeable.

The 70-year-old’s body was discovered at a home on Victoria Street on June 11.

Derrick Burgess, the Deputy Speaker, offered condolences to Mr Gordon’s family.

He said: “He was a character, good spirited.”

Mr Burgess said: “I liked Keith, he was respectful.”

He said that Mr Gordon would be sorely missed by his daughter, sisters, other family members and that he would "certainly be missed from back of town”.

Cole Simons, the Opposition leader, told the House: “He was a very articulate man, funny, wise and he lived his life in a manner that he chose.“

Mr Gordon’s siblings included former Premier Dame Pamela Gordon Banks, and former One Bermuda Alliance MP Patricia Gordon-Pamplin.

Their father was civil rights activist and parliamentarian Dr EF Gordon, a National Hero.

Michael Weeks, the Minister of National Security, said that he got to know Mr Gordon well over the past two years “because he is in and around my barber shop, so I see him once a week”.

He added: “He always had a nugget of wisdom.”

Mr Weeks said: “He was very knowledgeable and we’re going to miss him round there.”

Neville Tyrrell, a Progressive Labour Party backbencher, added that he and Mr Gordon had sometimes walked to school together.

He said: “Certainly, he will be missed.”

Police launched a fresh appeal for witnesses “having received certain information”.

Investigators were focusing on an “altercation” believe to have happened near the Ex-Artillery Club on Victoria Street between 8pm on June 10 and 3am on June 11.