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‘How will they be able to sleep?’

Marco Warren, an awarded and popular footballer whose life was tragically claimed in a road incident under investigation (File photograph by Blaire Simmons)

The heartbroken family of hit-and-run victim Marco Warren have pleaded with the driver of the vehicle that killed him to turn themselves in.

Speaking to The Royal Gazette last night, Mr Warren’s mother, Wendie, said that the family had been deeply moved by the outpouring of grief and sympathy across the island following her son’s death.

But she added that, while the family took comfort from their religious faith, they also needed those responsible for the tragedy to come forward.

Marco Warren was killed in the early hours of May 14 in an apparent hit-and-run incident. The popular 29-year-old footballer was found unconscious on North Shore Road in Hamilton Parish, and subsequently died from his injuries.

Ms Warren spoke out last night after a prayer vigil at the former T.N. Tatem School in Warwick, organised by the Restoration Ministries Adventist Church in which ministers prayed for both forgiveness and justice.

Ms Warren said: “I think it’s important for our family, particularly for Marco’s sisters, and his family members, for the person who did this to come forward. We need to know what happened.

“But it’s also important for that person to come forward for themselves too – just for their sake. Otherwise, how will they be able to sleep? They’re not going to be able to sleep. They may think so, but Marco’s is a senseless death. How will they be able to live with themselves? They must be suffering.”

Ms Warren expressed forgiveness for the driver of the vehicle that killed her son, adding that her religious beliefs gave her comfort.

She said: “My strength comes from God. When I’m on my own I’m a basket case, but if I go to the source, that’s my peace and that’s my strength.”

Remembering her son, Ms Warren said: “Marco was just a little man but he has left such a big hole.

“He always included everybody in everything that he did. He was all-inclusive. He just made such an impression on everyone.

“He made such an impression on his team and his college because he had such a big heart.

“He was known for his football, but that was really just the beginning, that was just the start. What he did in football, he would have applied himself in the same way to other things and I know he would have gone on to bigger things.

Police investigating Mr Warren’s death the death have renewed appeals for anyone who was in the vicinity of the fatal collision – even if they spotted nothing unusual – to come forward.

Yesterday a police spokesman said the driver of the vehicle believed to be responsible for his death had yet to come forward.

The spokesman added: “Anyone who was travelling on North Shore Road from Flatts to Blue Hole Hill between 3am and 3.15am is urged to make contact.

“Even if you don’t believe you saw anything significant, we would like to speak with you.”

He added: “Available CCTV footage is being reviewed, and we are requesting anyone with private CCTV footage along North Shore Road between Crawl Hill and Blue Hole Hill to contact us.

“To the driver, and any occupants of the vehicle involved, please make yourselves known to police. This is your opportunity to do the right thing, and let us know what occurred during the early hours of Sunday morning.

“As this investigation progresses, additional lines of inquiry will be considered accordingly.”

Mr Warren’s death marked the fifth road fatality of the year, and a Bermuda Police Service family liaison officer continues to support Mr Warren’s loved ones.

The spokesman said: “It’s not too late to help bring some closure to Mr Warren’s family and friends.”

A police community reporting portal can also be used to provide information online and anonymously.

Pc DeForest Evans, the investigating officer, can be contacted by phone at 717-0860 or via the e-mail devans@bps.bm.

The independent and confidential Crime Stoppers hotline, 800-8477, can also be used, as well as the Crime Stoppers Bermuda website.

Information can also be shared with a trusted police officer.