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Students involved in ‘game changer’ leadership seminar

CedarBridge students who took part in a leadership conference with Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity.Left to right on the back row: Khaivon Castro, Chiamo Knight, Phillip Burgess. Left to right, front row: Jawonday West, Zeeko Johnstone, Jameiko Smith.

Seven students from CedarBridge Academy participated in a leadership seminar while the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity visited the Island.Deputy principal Anthony Wade described the conference as “a game changer” for Khairon Castro, Chiamo Knight, Phillip Burgess, Jawonday West, Zeeko Johnstone and Jameiko Smith.The Epsilon Theta Lambda chapter of the fraternity held a leadership course at the Fairmont Southampton from March 10 to 12.Workshops on education and finance, along with appropriate dress and etiquette, were shared to help high school students sharpen their leadership skills.Useful web link: www.bermudaalpha.bm