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Govt Adopt-A-School initiative grows

Adopt-A-School: Mickel Caines (far right) and the South Shore Hospitality Group have adopted Sandys Middle School. Also pictured is Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith and school principal Timothy Jackson. (Photo by Glenn Tucker )

Sandys Middle School has been “adopted” by the South Shore Hospitality Group as part of a Government initiative to improve school facilities.Announcing the news yesterday, Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith said the programme has now raised more than $170,000 for the Island’s schools.While she said Government has not recently highlighted the initiative, she said work has been ongoing since the programme’s launch in 2010.“The Adopt-a-School initiative was originally designed to encourage construction firms to help our public school facilities,” Dame Jennifer said.“It has grown it include any business, organisation or individual willing to make an ‘in kind’ donation to our schools.“The initiative allows principals, teachers and students to get on with the job of teaching and learning without worrying about maintenance or repairs or even supplies.”She praised South Shore Hospitality Group for their contribution, saying: “This act of generosity will have a far reaching effect on this school and I want to publicly thank [Mickel Caines of South Shore Hospitality Group] for his contribution.“His kindness and selfless act is very heartening, especially as we continue as a Country to navigate through difficult financial times.”Other groups involved in the programme include The Hunts Group, who adopted TN Tatem, G & D Body Shop who adopted Victor Scott Primary School, ACL Construction who adopted Prospect Primary School, Security Associates and the Bermuda Security Group who adopted West End Primary and TeleBermuda International, who adopted East End Primary School.Useful website: www.moed.bm.