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Berkeley students head to UK for university tour

A group of Berkeley Institute students is going on a fact-finding tour of UK universities this week in a bid to learn more about studying overseas.

The eight students will be visiting university campuses in London, Kent and Reading during their week-long tour, which has been backed by the Department of Tourism as well as the private sector. The students will also attend the Bermuda Government’s London Office networking reception being held this weekend.

This morning Tourism Minister Shawn Crockwell met with the group and encouraged them to take advantage of the opportunity to get “a firsthand view” of some of the UK’s top seats of learning.

He also urged the students to act as ambassadors and promote Bermuda as a tourism destination.

“We are delighted to partner with our private sector entities to afford these youngsters an invaluable learning opportunity,” Mr Crockwell said.

“A campus visit is a student’s opportunity to get a firsthand view of a college. While a university catalogue, brochure or website can only show you so much, we believe that to really get a feel for a college, students need to fully immerse themselves in the environment.

“Ultimately we see this as a way to prepare both parents and students as to what to expect and to know the possible issues they will face should they choose to study in the UK.

“We see this as an opportunity for these students to express their national pride about the Island and in doing so, they are helping to highlight Bermuda’s benefits as a cultural and tourism destination. In fact, they can be considered some of our youngest ambassadors for Bermuda.”

The students leave for the UK on Friday and return home on November 1.