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Butterfield launches environment scholarship

Butterfield Bank is introducing a new Post-Graduate Scholarship for students studying in academic fields associated with the protection and improvement of island environments.

Butterfield has operations in seven international locations, most of which are island/maritime jurisdictions.

According to a press release, the Bank is reflecting that geographic profile by directing a greater portion of its community giving efforts to environmental protection, with a particular focus on the oceans and island ecology.

The Butterfield Post-Graduate Scholarship will be awarded to an eligible student who is a resident of either Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, Guernsey, Britain, Switzerland or Canada and who has obtained an undergraduate degree and is commencing or already pursuing an advanced degree at an accredited university in an appropriate field of study related to the improvement or protection of island/maritime environments.

The Butterfield Post-Graduate Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the applicant’s academic achievement, environmental focus and extracurricular achievements.

The scholarship will be valued at USD $25,000 per year for up to four years. Only one scholarship will be awarded each year.

The Butterfield Post-Graduate Scholarship replaces the Sir Dudley A Spurling Post-Graduate Scholarship, which was available only to Bermudian students.

Elizabeth Bauman, Group Head of Human Resources stated: “As an international bank and trust company, we are pleased to extend the availability of a postgraduate scholarship to students in all of our jurisdictions.

“Although we are reaching out to a much larger pool of eligible students, we are also narrowing the focus of our scholarship to align with the Bank’s objective of helping preserve and improve island and maritime environments. We are excited to do our part to support the next generation of environmental leaders with a view to improving the natural environment in the places we call home.”

Interested applicants can download an application from www.butterfieldgroup.com/scholarships or e-mail scholarshipsbda@butterfieldgroup.com for more information about the scholarship.