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Nursery school closed as Government holds investigation

A nursery school in Hamilton Parish was yesterday ordered to temporarily close after an incident earlier this week sparked an investigation.

The Little Blessings Nursery on North Shore Road near Shelly Bay is being reviewed by Officers of Department of Child and Family Services and the Child Care Regulation Programme.

It has been “closed temporarily pending the completion of investigations related to an incident that occurred earlier this week”, a spokeswoman said, along with “the implementation of additional measures to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future”.

The spokeswoman did not give details of the incident, but she added: “The parents of the child have been notified by officers of Child and Family Services regarding the incident.

“Child Care Regulation Officers notified parents that brought their children to the Day Care Centre today of the closure and provided them with a list of registered Day Care Centres and Providers in the interim.”

Nursery schools are closed under orders from the Ministry of Health, which is responsible for the operations and regulations of daycares under the Child Day Care Regulations Programme.

The spokeswoman added: “The length of closure is dependent upon the implementation of the additional safety measures.