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Oracle to move into Grand Atlantic

Team Oracle are to temporarily reside at Grand Atlantic

Team Oracle USA members are to move into the Grand Atlantic condos temporarily as they transition to Bermuda for the upcoming America’s Cup.

The Bermuda Housing Corporation, in conjunction with the Bermudiana Beach development team, have agreed to help Oracle in the run up to the sailing event.

Major Barrett Dill, of the BHC, said: “Team Oracle is due to be housed in the Dockyard area which is under construction and not move in ready. As a short-term measure, the BHC and the Bermudiana Beach resort will reserve a single block of units for the temporary assistance of the advance team for the Oracle Group.”

The team is expected to move in April for about three months and will then transfer to its Dockyard location.

The move may slow the expected building process at the South Shore site, yet the BHC and the Bermudiana Beach resort said they felt the America’s Cup “is very important to the future economic prosperity of Bermuda and wish to play their part in the success of the venture”.

The sectioned-off area will be at the eastern end of the property, while construction work will begin from the western side of the site once final negotiations have concluded.