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You go girl! Flora gets wave of good luck messages

Youngsters participating in Steve's Sports and Science Camp created a 'Go Flora' message on the beach made with seaweed, for Bermuda's triathlete at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan (Photograph by Tony Bean)

The Royal Gazette received dozens of good luck messages for triathlete Flora Duffy, who is one of the medal favourites for the women’s event at the Tokyo Olympics tonight.

Ms Duffy, whose race starts at 6.30pm Bermuda time, is the Commonwealth Games gold medallist and in 2016 became the first and only athlete to earn three triathlon world titles in the same year, which included the World Triathlon Series, ITU Cross Triathlon and Xterra titles in close succession.

She came eighth in the Rio de Janeiro Olympics in 2016. This evening’s race will be on a number of cable channels and Bermuda Broadcasting Company’s TV9.

Among those wishing Flora luck today are several former Bermuda Olympians including , James Amos, Alex Cooper, Lee White and Hugh Watlington, Nathan Trott on behalf of the Bermuda Lifeguard Service and Barbara Morell Cooper, the grandmother of Paralympian Jessica Lewis.

Former Bermuda Olympic Association vice president Michael Cherry also wished her luck, as did Bermudians of al ages and all walks of life.

Here are their messages:

You are an inspiration to my friends and myself and I wish you the very best of luck at the Olympics.

Olivia McDevitt (Age 7)

Go Flora Go! Good luck on Monday!

Anne Reed  (Auntie Anne) and all the family

Wishing Flora Duffy all the very best competing in the Olympic Games

All the Cherrys, plus Lesley Conor, Kelsey and Katie

You know how to do this and we here at home are with you all of the way. We send all our strength to you and you know how very proud we are of you competing in these Olympic Games. Be fast.

The Watlingtons

My mates and I are whistling and cheering you on every night from the flora and fauna! Best wishes from us tree frogs,

Xx Tiny the tree frog

Go Flora! Give it your all and enjoy yourself. Bermuda proud

Jennifer Hedges

Best of luck in your 'race for  gold' at the upcoming Olympics in Tokyo. Jessica Cooper Lewis will follow with the same ambition in the Paralympics.

Wishing you both strength, stamina, and speed as you proudly represent our Island.

Barbara D Morell-Cooper

You have proven over and over again that you are a world class athlete. I have the utmost confidence that you will do yourself and Bermuda proud in Tokyo.

Best of Luck,

Lee White

We are all wishing the very best to you, GO FOR IT!

“Citius Altius Fortius” You have it all.

We all love you,

Jimmie Amos

Best wishes Flora and Dara,

Have been following you through the years and proud you represent Bermuda so well.

Keep well and safe

Newton Adcock and Family

May I add my very best wishes to you in your competition at the Tokyo Olympics.

All Bermuda is cheering you on. We are so proud of you.

Barbara D. Atwood

Best wishes Flora from the Bermuda Lifeguard Service!

Nathan Trott

Go girl, go!

Alex Cooper

May God bless your dream to win Olympic "gold" in Tokyo. Thanks for always representing Bermuda well. Much love from your "home" country.

June Thompson

You have done Bermuda proud many times over the last few years, best wishes to fulfill your Olympic dream in Tokyo.

Alan & Clare Gamble

Go on Flora! Bermuda is incredibly proud of you!

Alex O’Shea

Go Flora. Best wishes from the Fox family

Ian Fox

GO, ‘cousin’ Flora, GO…..you can do it.

Bob Duffy

My prayers are with you as you are about to participate in one of the most exciting events in you career. I wish you much success and hope you are able to enjoy participating in spite of tough competition. Continue to make Bermuda proud. All the best.

Paulette Richardson

Best of luck, Flora!

Swim like a Tuna,

Run like a Cheetah,

And pedal like hell!

We are 100 per cent behind you.

Heddy (Brian Hetzel)

Good Luck Flora. We’ll be watching and encouraging you from Sunderland, England.

Brenda Marshall and Keith Butterfield, Bermudians in the UK

Go Flora, Go! Love and support from the US.

Sharon Chapman

Go Flora! We'll be rooting for you on Monday. Best of luck with the race. Make Bermuda proud! But remember to have fun too.

Vanessa, Michael, Sofie, Maia, Soren Schrum

Hi Flora, your time has come.

Would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best and much success. You go get 'em girl! Be safe!

Dora and Harold Whitecross

May the wind be at your back, giving you a boost with each stroke, pedal and step! Wishing you the best experience for this Olympics! Go Flora Go!

Pam Mahoney

You are a gold metal winner in our hearts already! You have Bermuda cheering for you! Good luck Flora!

Shabnam Kolia

All good wishes for you on your performance in the triathlon on Monday. Everyone in Bermuda will be watching and pulling for you to do well and turn in an effort with which you will be pleased. You go girl!

Sharon and Ed Sousa

You’ve already made us all happy and proud with what you’ve done.

David Ezekiel

The very best of luck!

Marianne Herbert

Flora, best of luck in chasing your Olympic dream - we will be watching and rooting for you.

Allan and Kris Dunkle

I am delighted that your time is coming Monday evening. You make me proud to be a Bermudian, and my wife and I will be glued to whatever coverage we can find. You have spent hundreds of hours in preparation, and you are Bermuda's great hope for a medal. Enjoy your fitness.

Rod Ferguson

Best of luck Flora we will be cheering you on from our home in Bermuda.

You go girl we are all so proud of you.

The Billings family

Best of luck on Monday Flora. You have already made us very proud of your many accomplishments. The whole island will be behind you on Monday. No pressure, right? No matter what the end result is we know you will have done your very best.

Janet Simpson

My coach always warned me not to get complacent during a race; to leave everything I had on the racecourse. I hope that during your race you feel like you are giving it your all, even in the toughest moments, providing you sheer satisfaction after crossing the finish line about your performance.

Be bold fellow Bermudian,


Wishing you all the very best in Tokyo. All of us here on the rock are rooting for you as you live out your dream of going for the gold! Oh please.....you got this! You can cycle, repeatedly, UP Cork Screw Hill. We're with you every step of the way!

Bruce, Margaret, Alex and Sam Fox

Wishing you a great race! This is your moment to shine! Thanks for representing Bermuda with such class; a real role model for future generations.

We’re all behind you!

The Botelho family

Flora, I salute you. You are and will always be one of the world's and Bermuda's greatest athletes. Calm your nerves with controlled breathing, inhale deeply, exhale slowly. Now go out there and do your thing. Collect your reward. Return home healthy and safely. Two thumbs up.

Marilyn Steede

Get yourself some gold, young lady. Be very very proud of your achievements!

D.L.M.&C Outerbridge



The Orridges

Go Flora! We will be rooting and cheering you on from Bermuda!

Kathy Bridges

It has been a pleasure and an honour to watch Flora's progression over the years from competing in local events to leading the charge on the world stage!

Saddened to not be there in person when you cross the line but we'll be cheering you on from Bermuda with our flags at the ready.

Good luck, and bring it home!

Tish Parfitt

The whole country is behind you. You go girl!

Hope and John Berg

My family and I are wishing you your best performance ever at the Olympics. As I used to tell myself back in the day I played football with your Dad, “Eye of the Tiger Allan”. It always gave me extra strength to perform. Good luck!

Allan, Kietny, Kaliane and Jesse Marshall

With you in spirit. All the very best. So proud of you.

The Bartlett family

We wish Flora the very best as she goes for gold in the triathlon at the Tokyo Olympics!! All your hard work will pay off! Soak in the atmosphere, enjoy the experience, and know that Bermuda is behind you all the way! All the very best and God Speed!

Karen and Dorothy Gonsalves

All the best of luck Flora. We are all sending you positive thoughts for a successful event. You deserve it after all the hard work you have put in.

Susan and David Panchaud

You are the best triathlete ever!

Rory, Owen and Nea Fosker

Go Flora, you'll have 60,000 cheering you on!

Ian Hilton

I know I am just one of many but I am just letting you know that I am behind you 100 per cent. You are an incredible athlete and a true credit to Bermuda. I know you will do your very best and those medals are within your reach.

Jennifer Gibson

Wishing Flora the best in going for the gold! We are praying the very best for you at the Olympics.

Arliss and Arian Francis

Wishing you all the luck in the world as you take part in the Tokyo Olympics, Flora. You are an amazing athlete. We can’t wait to see you win a medal for Bermuda!

We will all be watching you!

Julia and Morris Brangman

We are all very proud of what you have achieved and that you will now be representing Bermuda in your Olympic event in Japan tomorrow. Good luck, be safe and we know you will give it your very best.

Greg Haycock and all the family

Bring home the Gold!

Richard Kirikian

Hey Flora we are all rooting for you and wish you the very best as you go for the gold! You make us all proud! Go strong Bermuda.

J McCarron

Wishing you the very best of luck in the triathlon tomorrow and so hope you win the gold which you so deserve. We shall be watching coverage on TV.

Denis, Bea and James Brookes

Good luck Flora! I'm sure this Olympics is like none other - I know you'll go out and give it your all! Rock it!

Nicole Mitchell

For years you have highlighted our island with your performances throughout the world. We are your people, we are your island- and we love you. Our hearts and our minds will be with you today, and we will be cheering you on every minute.

Joan K. Aspinall

Youngsters participating in Steve's Sports and Science Camp send a message to Flora Duffy at the Olympics through a "Go Flora" sign made of hibiscus flowers at the Botanical Gardens. With them is Steve Burgess who runs the camp. Another sign was also created on the beach with seaweed (Photograph by Tony Bean)
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Published July 26, 2021 at 3:57 pm (Updated July 27, 2021 at 9:10 am)

You go girl! Flora gets wave of good luck messages

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