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Volunteers from two firms help out the National Trust

Volunteers from Markel Bermuda Ltd at the Globe Museum in St George. (Photograph supplied)

A nature reserve and a museum run by the Bermuda National Trust were recently bolstered by volunteers from two firms.

A team of 45 staff members from Walkers (Bermuda) Limited spent a day planting trees, removing trash and clearing pathways at the BNT’s Gilbert Nature Reserve in Sandys.

Meanwhile, eight staff members from Markel Bermuda Limited helped to spruce up the Globe Museum in St George by cleaning windows and storm residue, clearing debris and planting donated roses.

Rachel Nightingale, the Walkers charity committee chair, said: “This was a fantastic day out for the Walkers team and we are proud to support the national trust in its wonderful work in conserving and enhancing Bermuda's special natural landscape.

“The team very much enjoyed spending time outdoors and working together on something tangible that will hopefully be of real benefit to the local community and environment.”

Volunteers from Markel Bermuda Ltd at the Globe Museum in St George. (Photograph supplied)

Miles Darrell, head of natural heritage at the BNT, said the charity was delighted to receive support from corporate groups to maintain their various nature reserves.

“With over 250 acres of open space in the Trust’s care, this support is very important to us,” he said.

Charlotte Andrews, the BNT head of cultural heritage, said the support for the charity’s museums was equally valuable.

“These corporate teams provide capacity to help us manage our museums, enhancing the experiences offered to visitors,” Dr Andrews said. “Companies benefit by furthering their ESG goals and team building, so it is a win-win for all.”

Companies interested in corporate team building with BNT should contact Dorte Horsfield, the BNT head of development and engagement, at dhorsfield@bnt.bm or 236-6483.

Volunteers from Markel Bermuda Ltd at the Globe Museum in St George’s. (Photograph supplied)
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Published October 20, 2022 at 6:10 am (Updated October 20, 2022 at 6:10 am)

Volunteers from two firms help out the National Trust

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