2022 Christmas Short Story Contest deadline is today!
The deadline for the 2022 Stanley Ratteray Memorial Christmas Short Story Contest is today.
The competition is open to all full-time Bermuda residents and stories may be fiction or non-fiction.
The deadline is today at 5pm; late entries today may be accepted but there are no guarantees.
Cash prizes, Stationery Store gifts and gift certificates, and one-year home delivery subscriptions will be presented to the winners on December 12 at The Royal Gazette offices on 2 Par-la-Ville Road in Hamilton.
The three age categories are 13 and under, 18 and under, and Adult.
The winners in the youth sections will get prizes valued at $300, plus $200 in cash.
The runners-up will win prizes valued at $150 plus $100 in cash — and third place is valued at $125, with an additional $50 in cash.
The prizes breakdown will be the same for adults, but with the addition of the home delivery subscription, which is valued at $300.
Stories should have a Bermuda focus and the judges will pay special attention to Christmas themes and island references.
Entries from young people should be violence-free, as Christmas is a time of peace.
Entries must be in Microsoft Word or a text file.
They should not exceed 1,500 words and must be e-mailed to shortstory@royalgazette.com
Entries should be marked “Christmas Short Story Contest” and include the writer's name, age, address and contact numbers.
Teachers who submit entries on behalf of pupils should make sure the names and ages of pupils, and contact numbers for their parents, are included as the judges may contact the winners during the evening.
Contact details will be kept confidential. Pen names will not be accepted and poetry is not eligible.
A panel will decide the winning entries, which will be published in The Royal Gazette's Christmas Greetings supplement on December 16.
Royal Gazette Ltd staff cannot respond to telephone or e-mail inquiries once an entry is submitted.
The Royal Gazette reserves the right to publish any or all of the stories submitted.