Medical clinic gives away 150 turkeys to patients and elderly
Created: Dec 18, 2022 05:02 PM (Updated: Dec 18, 2022 07:49 PM)
Bermuda Healthcare Services staff ready turkeys for donation on Saturday. (Photograph supplied)
A seniors charity and clinic patients were given a total of 150 turkeys as part of a giveaway organised by Bermuda Healthcare Services.
A spokesman for the clinic said that 120 turkeys were given to patients on Saturday, while another 30 were donated to Age Concern.
Mahesh Reddy, BHCS director, said: "We do this every year as another way of saying thanks to the community of patients who have chosen Bermuda Healthcare Services for their healthcare.
“Given some seniors' financial struggles, this year our team decided to donate turkeys to Age Concern, who will distribute them where most needed.
"The event is one of the highlights for our staff, who look forward to giving back to the community throughout the year."
Bermuda Healthcare Services staff. (Photograph supplied)