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US visitor dies while scuba diving

A Bermuda Coast Guard boat on patrol (Photograph supplied)

Police are investigating the sudden death of an American cruise ship passenger who experienced difficulty while scuba diving.

A police spokesman said that at about 11.22am yesterday, emergency services were called to a marine incident in the Western Blue Cut area of the reefs.

The spokesman said it was reported that a 48-year-old woman from the Celebrity Reflection was scuba diving with a group when she experienced difficulties and was removed from the water unresponsive.

He added: “EMTs and coastguard personnel commenced CPR on the victim, who was subsequently taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, where she was pronounced dead a short time later.

“An investigation into the incident has begun and no further information will be provided at this time.”

• This story has been updated after police amended their original statement to say the woman had been scuba diving and not snorkelling.