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Fathers’ rights group stages protest outside court building

Public protest: members of fathers’ rights group Childwatch demonstrate for International Falsely Accused Day in front of the Dame Lois Browne-Evans Building on Court Street yesterday (Photograph by Stefano Ausenda)

A fathers’ rights group staged a demonstration yesterday in an attempt to spread awareness of men being falsely accused of crimes to alienate them from their children.

Representatives from Childwatch protested in front of the Dame Lois Browne-Evans court building as part of International Falsely Accused Day.

Established in 2020, the event highlights incidents where people have been falsely accused of a crime and is observed on September 8 and 9.

Eddie Tavares, who helped organise the demonstration, said: “The fact that falsely accused fathers lose custody of their children is a global issue and needs to be changed.”

He added the demonstrators were met with a lot of support throughout the day and the group planned to make it an annual event.

Mr Tavares said: “The group in Britain demonstrated outside New Scotland Yard’s headquarters in London, so that is why we decided to protest near Bermuda’s courts and main police station.”

In a letter last month to Rena Lalgie, the Governor, Mr Tavares called for “more equitable laws, such as shared parenting” and “clarity into the real issues pertaining to families”.

David Burt, the Premier, and Chief Justice Narinder Hargun were copied in the letter.