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Belco holding annual kite-safety competition

Keeping up the tradition: kite-flying is a popular pastime during Easter, when enthusiasts gather at Horseshoe Bay to put their skills to the test (File photograph)

In a sign that summer is only months away, Belco has launched its annual kite-safety poster competition.

Krista Barnes, the company’s director of communications and sustainability, said: “This is our 35th year of the Belco kite-safety campaign and poster competition and I encourage students to enter for the chance to win great prizes.

“Kite safety is very important, and by participating in the competition, students learn the important lessons on kite safety while having fun creating a piece of artwork.

“We look forward to receiving the creative and colourful posters every year which are displayed in our lobby and bring great joy to our staff and customers.”

The competition is open to Primary 1 and Primary 2 students, with one entry per child permitted.

The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 15, and the best overall poster winner will receive a $500 toy voucher and a $500 Belco voucher. The most beautiful poster and best kite-safety message winners will each receive a $250 toy voucher.

All submissions must be on an 8.5” x 11” paper and either be photographed or scanned and e-mailed to communications@belco.bm, or delivered to Belco’s headquarters on Serpentine Road, Pembroke.

All submissions must include the child’s name, age and school in the e-mail or on the back of the entry.

The company stated that submitting an entry grants Belco the permission to use, reproduce and publicly display the child’s artwork, name and age including on the company’s website, media channels and on company premises.

Students who want to submit an entry can find information about kite safety on Belco’s website at www.belco.bm

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Published February 29, 2024 at 1:00 pm (Updated March 01, 2024 at 6:37 pm)

Belco holding annual kite-safety competition

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