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New lease of life for popular swimming spot

A heavily used community dock on North Shore Road gets essential repairs, with Andrew Rocha pictured at work on Sandys Dock (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

A waterside hangout off North Village enjoyed by the community for fishing and swimming is coming to the end of much needed repairs.

Sandys Dock, just west of Devonshire Dock, is among several public docks singled out for a revamp after the midyear budget delivered roughly $3.8 million to the public works ministry for community improvement projects.

Out of that, $400,000 was earmarked for dock repairs around the island.

Lieutenant-Colonel David Burch, the minister, said the concrete jetty off North Shore Road in Devonshire had been “in rough shape for some time”, with the cracked concrete surface becoming unsafe.

Construction at Sandys Dock in Devonshire, with Austin Kenny, principal structural engineer at the Ministry of Public Works, alongside Lieutenant-Colonel David Burch, the minister (Photograph supplied)

The Sandys Dock project, budgeted at $100,000, is expected to come in at $60,000 under the refurbishment by Smith Hauling and Excavating, led by Jason Smith.

The work includes resurfacing the concrete, reinforcements, repairing the steps, installing new handrails and life rings, and fixing a wall that collapsed during Hurricane Ernesto last August.

The dock will also get new fencing and restored grass as the project winds up.

Sandys Dock on North Shore in Devonshire (Photograph supplied)

Colonel Burch said the job should be done within the next two months, weather permitting, as some work could only be carried out at low tide.

He urged residents to steer clear of the dock until the project was complete, with heavy equipment deployed at the site.

Colonel Burch said the construction crew “needs space to finish the job safely”.

He added: “These docks are important for our communities, and we are ensuring they are safe and properly maintained for years to come.”

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Published February 04, 2025 at 4:24 pm (Updated February 04, 2025 at 10:36 pm)

New lease of life for popular swimming spot

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