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Revamped Futurecare premiums ready soon Health Minister

New premiums for FutureCare will be decided in a matter of weeks, according to Health Minister Patricia Gordon-Pamplin.But the Minister didn’t divulge details on how payments will be adjusted for the seniors’ insurance scheme.In an overview of budgeting for the fiscal year ahead, Ms Gordon-Pamplin said the Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute would be “heavily involved” with developing the Mental Health Court promised by Government.This comes despite a $1.2 million funding cut for MWI, down to $37.4 million for 2013/14.The $104 million Government subsidy for the Bermuda Hospitals Board is “all the money that we have to spend”, the Minister said, indicating that nothing extra would be forthcoming should the hospital go over budget.The new Medical Clinic pledged by Government will be covered under the hospital’s budget, and its services are not expected to tap into the BHB subsidy, she said.The Clinic is to be consolidated as much as possible with existing hospital services.Meanwhile, the job of Chief Medical Officer has been shuffled over to the Ministry of Health Headquarters.Previously the head of the Health Department, the CMO will now take charge of “overseeing the healthcare provider system, and providing policy support to the Minister and Permanent Secretary”, Ms Gordon-Pamplin said.