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Diet and health strategies revealed by chiropractor

Dr Laura Dowling addressed Hamilton Rotary Club on how chiropractors work to assist clients stay healthy.

Ageing leads to “chronic, low-grade inflammation” that increases susceptibility to disease, according to chiropractor Laura Dowling.But Hamilton Rotary Club yesterday heard that tricks as simple as avoiding sugar or grain-fed meats can substantially reduce the complaint — even as time takes its toll.Quoting Thomas Edison, Dr Dowling told Rotarians: “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”Chiropractors specialise in locating and correcting “slight misalignments in the spine that interfere with the nervous system, so that the body can heal itself”, she explained, likening them to “short circuits in your nervous system”.Her talk focused on simple strategies for reducing the inflammation associated with poor physical function and mortality.The anti-inflammatory diet includes cutting down on foods containing wheat, gluten and refined carbohydrates.“Other pro-inflammatory foods include grain fed meats, certain farm raised fish and partially hydrogenated oils,” Dr Dowling said, recommending alternatives such as raw fruits, vegetables and nuts.”Clean water and fresh fish and meat from grass fed animals are also beneficial,” she added, advising complementing the diet with regular exercise.