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Minister thanks people for hard work and dedication during pandemic

Kim Wilson, the Minister of Health. (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

Kim Wilson, the Minister of Health, on Friday called for continued diligence to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 despite the end of the island’s public health emergency.

Speaking to the House of Assembly, Ms Wilson thanked the many who had come forward to help in Bermuda’s time of crisis, and the wider public for their commitment to put their community first.

“The public health emergency has ended for Bermuda, but the global pandemic continues,” Ms Wilson said.

“The public is encouraged to continue to follow public health advice, as with all infectious diseases such as the flu, to minimise the chance of catching Covid-19 and help protect family and friends.

“This includes letting fresh air in when meeting indoors, wearing a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces where you come into contact with people you don’t normally meet, and washing your hands.

“The Bermuda community has been incredibly resilient throughout this global pandemic, so please Bermuda, be careful and be safe, for yourself and our community, because after all, we are still our brothers’ keepers.”

Ms Wilson reflected on the 32-month public health emergency, from the first documented case of the coronavirus in Bermuda on March 18, 2020, to the final lifting of the emergency this week.

She noted that 75.2 per cent of the population received at least two shots of Covid-19 vaccine, surpassing the World Health Organisation’s goal of 70 per cent.

Ms Wilson praised the hard work of the Ministry of Health team, who she described as stalwart in their fight against Covid-19, along with the dozens of nurses, doctors, EMTs, businesses and non-profit who supported efforts to combat the pandemic.

“I cannot name just some people for fear of missing too many, so I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of these people for their persistent dedication, tremendous hard work, and unswerving commitment to keeping Bermuda safe,” she said.